
MS-Office_WFH_v2020 - video excerpt (1:24)
MS-Office_WFH_v2020 - video still
MS-Office_WFH_v2020 - video still
MS-Office_WFH_v2020 - video still
MS-Office_WFH_v2020 - video still
MS-Office_WFH_v2020 - video still

Single channel UHD video
ORT 8:05

Description: MS-Office-WFH_v2020.18.1084.2.exe is a single-channel video which follows me as I navigate my real-world and digital routines simultaneously, with program GUIs inhabiting my apartment alongside me as autonomous objects. These works borrow from silent comedies, favoring gags and gesture over narrative, to depict the humor and horrors of living and working in our 24/7 attention-based economy during the necessary confinement during the shelter-in-place period of the ongoing global pandemic.

And yes, as of this page's most recent update, the COVID-19 pandemic is very much still ongoing. So wear a high quality in public indoor spaces, check in on your vulnerable/ immunocompromised friends and family, advocate for indoor air quality standards, and reconsider any messaging or advice you hear that attempts to normalize constant reinfection with a debilitating virus, or worse, proposes to criminalize anyone's effort to mitigate exposure or care for those around them.