Artist Statement

My work explores moments when bodies and infrastructure intersect, and their political and social effects. I use corporate aesthetics and dry wit to frame these subjects as both singular entities and containers for complex systems.

My recent work focuses on the images and infrastructure of tall buildings, treating these structures as entities that embody the institutions they’re designed to contain. I manipulate the images of these buildings - bending, twisting, elongating them - to parallel the distortions and shifting narratives that institutions use to construct their identities.

My video and media work examines minute relationships between people and interiors, and the social and ideological systems they produce together. I like drawing attention to ‘boring’ subjects - mundane rituals and repetitive gestures, workplace layouts, formulaic furniture - and amplifing their absurdity to explore how large an impact these small and often invisible things can have on everyday experiences.


Lawrence Mesich was born in Nashville, TN and raised in Chattanooga, TN. His fascination with and exploration of the spaces created by Chattanooga's rapid development and abandoned industrial infrastructure formed a life-long interest in the dialogue between bodies, behavior, and architecture, which continues to inform his work. He received his BFA with a concentration in Video and Performance from SUNY Purchase in 1999, and received his MFA in Digital Media and Performance from Stony Brook University in 2005. Lawrence currently lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.